Similar Selfie Cleaner
Great Utility to Remove Similar Selfies & Recover Space
Compatible with iPhone, iPad & iPod Touch
Requires iOS 8 or later
Remove Duplicates in a Single Tap!
Similar Selfie Cleaner has been created with the objective of recovering a large amount of valuable storage space on your iOS device by scanning and eliminating similar selfies and other photos present on your device.
Benefits of Similar Selfie Cleaner

Similar Selfie Cleaner helps you to remove multiple copies of identical and similar images, thereby resulting in a trim and organized photo collection. What’s the best part? It's all automated! You don't have to sift through hundreds of photos manually. A few simple clicks and you're done!


More Free Space

Cleaning duplicates leads to the generation of more device space.


No Duplicates

Removing duplicate selfies and photos eliminates clutter & redundancy in the Photos Library.


Organized Photos Library

Deleting similar selfies and duplicate photos provides you an organized library of Photos.

How Does Similar Selfie
Cleaner Work?

Similar Selfie Cleaner scans for similar selfies and photos present on your device to give you an improved device space. Just press the “Start” button to scan for duplicates and all the duplicate selfies and photos will be displayed. The best part of this app is that it not only finds the exact duplicate selfies and photos but also the similar ones (with little variations). You can find these duplicates based on three parameters, namely Matching Level, Time Interval and GPS. After this, select and remove duplicates you want or allow the cleaner to remove them.

Why Use Similar Selfie Cleaner?

A typical iOS device contains several duplicate photos which clutter your device space. This not only consumes the device memory but also affects its performance. You also have to go through the pain of scrolling too many photos. Similar Selfie Cleaner is a duplicate photo cleaner which allows you to reclaim several MBs of storage space by scanning similar selfies & photos and then removing them from your Photos library. It also helps you to save your precious time sifting through photos and keeps your photo collection organized.

Delete Duplicates, Recover Space!
Similar Selfie Cleaner is a powerful tool to delete duplicate photos and selfies on your iOS device. It not only helps in recovering precious device space but also saves your valuable time to manually sift through hundreds of photos.
Compatible with: iPhone, iPad & iPod Touch
Requires: iOS 8 or later
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